Iglesias for everyone: children, seniors, and disabled

Iglesias is a city for everyone. The numerous activities and attractions allow for an unforgettable vacation tailored to individual needs.

Activities for children

Iglesias is the perfect city for those traveling with children. Thanks to its museums, mining sites, and natural parks, they can learn and have fun at the same time.

Porto Flavia is an excellent example of how they can learn about the mining history of Sardinia; the view of the sea will certainly leave them speechless.

A very suggestive visit, both for adults and children, is the visit to Grotta Santa Barbara (Santa Barbara Cave): inside, dark brown tabular barite crystals cover the walls.

To conclude, a must-see of the trip, the Parco del Marganai (Marganai Natural Park), inside which there are playgrounds for children and a botanical garden to discover the characteristics of the plants that grow in this territory.

Activities for seniors

Even senior citizens can enjoy the city and plan their vacation.

The historic center of Iglesias offers many opportunities for those who want to spend peaceful days. Don’t miss out on Piazza Lamarmora and Piazza Sella, meeting places for the people of Iglesias and visitors to the city.

The tour of the churches of Iglesias is very interesting, starting from the Cathedral of Santa Chiara, the first cathedral in the world dedicated to Saint Claire of Assisi, and then moving on to churches from the Pisan period such as the Church of Nostra Signora delle Grazie, and churches from the Catalan-Aragonese period such as the San Francesco one.

Activities for people with disabilities

There are many activities and attractions that people with disabilities can visit.

We recall the beautiful Cathedral of Santa Chiara in Piazza Municipio, the Galleria Villamarina (Villamarina Gallery), the Museo del Costume e delle Tradizioni (Museum of Costume and Traditions), and the Museo Dell’Arte Mineraria (Mining Art Museum), excluding the gallery.

In particular, for Porto Flavia, the Tourist Office provides special wheelchairs that do not sink into the ground during the visit, allowing you to visit the upper gallery.

You can take advantage of this service by calling the Tourist Office in advance at +39 0781274507 or by writing an email to infoturistiche@comune.iglesias.ca.it

Prepare your experience

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discover all the itineraries

History, culture, and beautiful landscapes, Iglesias offers its visitors a unique experience. Discover all the incredibles itineraries and attractions to live an unforgettable vacation on the Sulcis Iglesiente coast.


Buy your tickets early for the city’s attractions so you don’t miss a thing.