Church of Vergine Purissima

The construction of the church dedicated to the Vergine Purissima (Virgin Most Pure) and the adjacent college was commissioned by the Jesuits, present in Iglesias since 1578.

The construction of the church, started at the turn of the 17th century, had a rather long development and was consecrated in 1728 during the pastoral visit of Archbishop Falletti.

To the left of the church stands the bell tower, built between 1909 and 1913.

The building has a plan with a central aisle flanked by raised side chapels. The main space ends in a large quadrangular presbytery, also located on a higher level than the aisle. The paintings in the second and third chapel on the left, featuring the Nativity, the Annunciation, the Prayer in the Orchard, the Supper in Emmaus, and the Apparition to Santa Margherita, were created between 1906 and 1908 by the painter Luigi Gambini and his collaborators.

Currently, the Church of the Vergine Purissima houses the 8 “Candelieri,” representing the guilds and historical neighborhoods that parade during the great Celebration of Sancta Maria di Mezo Gosto.

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