Sanctuary of Vergine del Buon Cammino

The sanctuary was built around the 1630s. One of the two bells currently located in the sail bell tower that crowns the façade of the building dates back to 1668.

The church was completely rebuilt in 1777, when the spouses Maria Antioca Pisano and Antioco Bernardini financed the works after obtaining the bishop’s approval. In 1803, another building was added to provide hospitality to pilgrims on celebration days. A third architectural element was added in 1817.

Since the early decades of the 20th century, the church had been in danger of collapse and the heirs of Maria Antioca Pisano, unable to carry out the necessary repairs, decided in 1957 to transfer ownership to the ecclesiastical authorities.

The restoration work, which began in 1961, was completed only with the solemn consecration of the church in 1977.

Since 2002, the Church of Beata Vergine del Buon Cammino, which with its characteristic profile of white walls dominates the hill of the same name in the city of Iglesias, has been entrusted to the care of the St. Clare’s Sisters.

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