Church of San Michele

The building, whose façade was never completed, was constructed between the end of the 15th century and the beginning of the next, and displays the typical features of Catalan late-Gothic architecture.

The oratory dedicated to the Archangel Michael was built by the initiative of the Confraternita del Sacro Monte della SS. Vergine della Pietà.

During Holy Week, the oratory of San Michele becomes the focus of the city’s religious life.

From here, the evocative processions start through which the faithful are called to relive the mysteries of the passion and death of Jesus.

With rituals that have remained unchanged over the centuries, the confreres, in their characteristic Spanish-derived costumes, accompany the faithful in this suggestive reenactment, traversing the streets of the historic center of Iglesias, inviting the faithful to recollection, meditation, and prayer.

Children, youth, and adults participate in the processions wearing a white linen tunic that covers up to the calves, cinched at the waist with a cord, while the face is covered by a hood called “Visiera”.

Because of this clothing, they are called Baballotti; a term that in Campidanese Sardinian can be translated as “little animal or small insect”.

Those who belong to the Archconfraternity are called Germani; a term that derives from the Spanish hermano (= brother). Their costume is composed of a shirt adorned with black velvet bows and ruffles on the shoulders, collar, along the front opening, and at the end of the sleeves. A wide skirt that covers the ankles completes the outfit, enriched by a white silk sash with a rosette that tightens the hips.

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